The Francisco José de Caldas District Universityin partnership with the District Secretariat of Economic Development, developed a project to articulate the inventive production of science and technology that could be transferred from effectively and efficiently to the businesses and communities in the Bogotá D.C. and the central region.

In this sense, through the resolution 001589 of 2013, proved as eligible within the process 621-2013 of COLCIENCIAS, under the code 113062138595, the project (OTRI) , . "Creation of an Office for Transfer of Research Results for the Bogotá D.C" city as an alliance between the Francisco José de Caldas University and the Secretariat of Economic Development District (Afterwards OTRI-BOGOTÁ).

In this way, both institutions mapped a strategy of the organizational structure that would have such an office of transfer of research and innovation results.

For the foregoing reasons, , actually are working on a team of specialists, linked in the areas of engineering, intellectual property, economics and marketing, which are coordinated by a leader with high qualities of management in technological innovation.

This team is administrative supported by the District University in partnership with the District Secretariat of Economic Development.

The organization seeks to consolidate this project, which will provide the services in the Bogotá D.C. Region for innovation is to have a social character, such as line of conception from the public sector, and that will be inclusive for all sectors and actors involved in the areas of knowledge and sectors of the economy.