La Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación de Bogotá – OTRI‐BOGOTÁ, es una unidad técnica especializada adscrita al Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico – CIDC de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, creada mediante acuerdo No. 012 of 2014 del Consejo Superior Universitario y reglamentada por la resolución de Rectoría No. 075 of 2015, que presta sus servicios en materia de transferencia de resultados de investigación, proceso correspondiente a la identificación y oferta de productos tecnológicos, procedimientos, nuevas formas organizativas, nuevas líneas creativas en el campo literario y artístico, etc., desarrollados por los investigadores de la Universidad, para licenciarse o implementarse en el sector productivo (empresas) o para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades en general.


Researchers, inventors and creators process with the OTRI Bogotá

Companies and investors process with the OTRI Bogotá

Connection between innovation and the business world


Tend to the economic, technological and social development, accompanying the transfer of research and innovation results of researchers, inventors and creators of Bogotá – Region, to the productive sector and society in general, and achieve a product that is marketable and profitable, social and economically, through the specialized talent in areas such as marketing, engineering, economics and law.


Be recognized to 2019, 2019 as the main node of a collaborative network in the transfer of research and innovation results to the productive sector, designed to boost the economic, technological and social development of Bogotá -Region.

OTRI Initials kills

Merchandising and distribution of the Results

Comprises all aspects related to creation of the business model for each innovation, through its marketing, advertising and commercial channels, among others.

Status of creations companies based on technology

The OTRI shall generate skills to create technology-based companies that emerge from within the transfer of research results, here spin off are induded.

Identifying research needs

It is the identification of the technical or social problems which need soluing, new and creative, which are within the community of the Bogotá D.C. Region.

Management of transfers

This function is focused on the distribution royalties, management of licenses and contracts; transfer products in the field of intellectual property (Industrial Property and Copyright, basically).

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